The Backside of Button




>no siblings, pretty chilled out parents, dad is stay at home and cooks and cleans (like a faggot?) and my mum works in the upper tier of education (think uni and course structure)
>grew up playing soccer and swim squad, made it to state level swimming a few times in school
>couldn’t stand competitive sports, hated the feeling of losing
>took up surfing and volunteer lifeguard
>about 6ft, in shape, but don’t like rough sports like football and stuff… bit of a pussy In that sense
>surfing and being lifeguard does fucking wonders for the chicks but, plenty of relationships, but none ever end well, I also don’t deal with breakups well
>have a very relaxed and open approach to life, parents never fought even once so I don’t deal with conflict very well, pretty typical sort of surfy approach minus the pot I guess
>after coming home from afternoon surf or whatever, play computer games all night
>fucking love RPG’s and open world sort of games, dislike fast paced pvp and shooters but I did get kinda serious into Halo 2… about the most hardcore I have ever gotten into a shooter and only coz best mate played with me every night on XBL
>left school one year early to pursue apprenticeship
>living out of home since 17, about 8 hours from home town
>upper tier trade, related to aircraft maintenance so even my apprentice wages are decent
>majorly into WoW at this point


>in a casual/semi hardcore oceanic raiding guild, small but tight knit bunch of blokes all 18+
>4 of them are fucking brothers, oldest one is about 27 and guild leader
>seriously the craziest bunch of guys I have ever met, always cheerful and helpful and always up to no good
>always seems like they are giving each other hard time, but I learn it’s just how they mess around and stuff
>awesome guild plus these 4 bros makes apprenticeship phase of life bearable
>two oldest bros are in navy, I contract to navy for job so they treat me like family
>one day new member joins, turns out to be 5th and youngest brother
>4 bros are aged something like 20,21,24,27 young bro is like 14, must have been last ditch effort to have daughter



>oldest brother/gm informs guild that although he is well below the 18+ requirement, he has exception because family
>nobody argues because although guildmasterbro is fucking champ, he can also be kinda scary serious
>brothers all refer to youngbro as ‘button’, some family nickname but guild picks it up instantly
>can tell olderbros care a lot about button, less dirty jokes when he is around, more role model sort of stuff

>button uses one of those annoying voice maskers, if you ever played Halo 2 online you will know what I’m talking about
>presume it’s to hide prepubescent voice
>ask about it one time, get called a faggot and told to drop it
>can tell button is young, but growing up with 4 older brothers has made him a fucking badass
>start to hang around with button a lot in-game, he turns out to be the most bro of all the bros despite age
>complete no bullshit approach to life
>will call anybody out on their shit without hesitation but in a way that makes you respect him
>absolutely crazy in pvp, plays gnome warrior with pink hair and beard, will fend off hoards of enemies
>I play resto druid and button always giving me shit about being a “dress wearing healing faggot “
>button tries to drag me into pvp, I hate pvp, get too flustered and always get killed pretty quick
>button asks me how often I shave my pussy
>14 year old kid has bigger balls than I do, fml

>button says to just follow him around and heal
>spend next few weeks just pvping with button, most fun I have had killing other players since Halo 2 with high school best bro
>button just decimates everything and anything while I tag along throwing heals
>don’t know how it happened but button’s nickname for me becomes faggot… bothers me at first but eventually start to understand button’s sense of humor and doesn’t bother me anymore



>button and I became best friends after that, for the next four years we practically do everything together
>like I’m talking serious bromance shit minus the dick pics
>learn button lives in rural town way up north
>me living alone down south coast for most of 4 years doing apprenticeship
>13hr drive between, thought of visiting never even occurred, was purely an online sort of friendship, didn’t even have mobile number but we were always on skype and shit
>still used fucking voice masker, stupid fucking Logitech headset had it built in or something
>whatever, would be weird if he didn’t use it now, was part of how I identified him


>stayed up late watching movies together we would start them at the same time and sync them
>talk about physics and universe and space stuff
>I fucking hated my job and wanted to go to uni to study astronomy but felt like it would be a retarded career move
>both of us were 4chan lurkers, but not fucking faggoty about it
>helped button with school shit all the time
>start to realise button lives behind a sort of emotional armor, anytime subject gets serious or too deep, or he is grateful for help with assignment, etc just resorts to laughing and calling me a faggot
>figure it’s because of growing up with 4 older bros, 2 of which are in military, they are all the tough guy footy sort of blokes. Deff not anti gay or anything but deff love their bitches


>button helped me enjoy pvp type games more, no longer felt like wimpy faggot
>we complimented each other well I guess. I was reserved, always liked the idea of playing a strong defence and enjoyed playing support roles
>button was a fucking crazy all or nothing sort of player, totally offensive and doesn’t afraid of anything
>went through a few different games and mmorpgs but it was always the same sort of thing
>best memories were Battlefield 3
>I would always pilot the chopper and button would gun
>most fun I have ever had in a game to date


>still kept in touch with the other olderbros and we would come together to play mmorpgs or some games but it was mostly just me and button now coz they’re starting to have families
>button and I had developed a unique sort of comfortable friendship and sense of humour
>I’m comfortably straight to the point where joking around about faggoty things doesn’t bother me
>typical friday night banter while gaming would be shit like button asking me if I enjoyed the cock I ate after coming back from dinner with the missus of the time (missus pronounced miss-uz: aussie slang for gf/partner)
>me ”yeah it went down well with a bit of ketchup”
>button: “faggot… it’s mustard or nothing”
>just talking shit like this for literally 15 minutes until next thing you know, we are discussing the perfect recipe for honey glazed roasted herb stuffed nutsack, accompanied by sauteed semen veggies
>just a sort of inside thing I guess


>surfing and swimming left me with big arms and shoulders, I wasn’t as fit as I was back in highschool but still had in shape body, naturally curly mouse blonde hair, blue eyes and still confident
>that combined with impressive job title being military contractor meant I did reasonably well with girls
>not claiming to be a stud or anything though, some alpha qualities in terms of confidence, fitness and def some beta qualities thanks to poor manly role model bitch dad

>had a few major relationships during those years, got burnt a couple of times
>button hated when I was dating because I would come online less, hated it even more if I ever brought up my sex life, just called me a faggot and told me he didn’t want to know about how deep my girlfriend could get her fist up my arse…
>all of them hated how much time I spent on the computer talking to my “nerdy little friends” and that was usually the reason why they left
>I didn’t deal with breakups very well… always broke down into a mess


>button would always cheer me up, he referred to my exes as slut 1, slut 2, etc
>more tough love sort of shit than anything, got called a faggot exponentially more during those periods but it worked
>one time after breakup I got really drunk and confessed to button I really wanted to try anal but none of my exes ever let me
>button wouldn’t stop laughing and calling me faggot for the next hour, suggested next time I find a cute boy instead of a girl


>towards the end of those 4 years I quit my job and got accepted to a decent University doing a B of Science, combined major in astrophysics and astronomy
>button pushed me to do it, said I wasn’t happy with shit then stop being a faggot and change
>course sounds way cooler then it is… basically just like any other science major but with more focus on calculus and physics, I’m no fucking genius or anything
>nearly Christmas 2013, just finished my first year at uni, on break
>I’m living alone in studio apartment very close to campus
>trade certificate allows me to get decent paying part time work, living on a budget but comfortable, plus have decent amount of money saved up from job
>button has just finished highschool and did pretty well
>haven’t gamed together a whole lot in recent months due to his exams and family being back for christmas
>receive email from button about a week before christmas…



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