Day 7 – Button and the Bittersweet Farewell


Big brown eyes

>her eyes

>out of all the things button has going for her
>dat voluptuous yet toned yoga ass
>well rounded hourglass figure
>her modest but firm sweater puppies

>it’s her big soft brown eyes that I have come to love the most
>so when the first thing I see upon waking up is button gazing at me, just inches from my face,
>I figure I’m either about to get the mother of all dutch ovens… or it’s a lucid dream and I should immediately make the most of it by going straight for button’s bumhole with my Staff of Annihilation (+5 brutality enchant)
>after all, dreams are the only places we have left that the feminist movement hasn’t invaded…
>although at this rate it won’t be long before even dream rape becomes illegal
>before I can make my move, she speaks to me in a very serious and composed tone of voice…
>”…what would you do if I were pregnant?”


>I give her a look full of so much wut, that if it could somehow be harnessed as an energy source… not even the frictional energy siphoned from over 100,000 neckbeards fapping to Jlaw’s noodes would ever come close
>not even butter toast cat could produce an equivalent amount of ‘whats’


>”I thought this was going to be a good dream” I mumble at her
>”you should have figured it wasn’t, when you opened your eyes and realised I’m not Ricky Martin”
>how does… who even comes up with this at fuckknowswhato’clock in the morning
>”well what would you do… if you got me pregnant” button persists
>”shit I don’t know, buy you a coat hanger… where did this com-…”
>”I’m being serious faggot”
>”ok fine, some flowers and a box of chocolates… did you forget the pill or something?”
>”I never took it…”


>button suddenly reaches down and puts her hand on my crotch
>the electrical synapses in my brain have replaced the small charges of electricity with spaghetti sauce about 7 wuts ago
>what is even happening? How did we go from pregnant to crotch grabbing?
>is this a transition forwards or backwards?
>she smiles suddenly, “oh hey it worked!” she exclaims in shocked surprise before rolling over to face the other way
>I’m so confused right now that I actually consider the possibility that at some point during the night I may have accidently swallowed an additional chromosome
>maybe button is being normal but I can’t understand her because I’m now retarded?
>wait what if I was always retarded… what if button is just some sort of carer and this is all just a big fantasy in my head?
>has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>ohwell, had imaginary tard sex

>she pushes herself back into me and reaches behind her, dragging my hand over and around her
>”you’ve been dry humping my ass for the last 45 minutes, now shut up and go back to sleep”
>oh god…
>I feel disgusting…
>this whole time… how could I even do something so horrible to my best mate, my one and only true love… willy…
>I have failed my poor willy so badly at obtaining the glorious crown of brown for him that he decided to take things into his own hands and take it for himself
>it seems like willy’s technique was a little too straight forward, if you know what I mean
>oh wait… there’s something furry between her legs…



>come willy… I will teach you the ways of subtlety and manipulation when hunting the elusive beast known as pootangum bootysore-ass
>I lean forward into button’s neck
>the first step, my semi flaccid meaty friend, is to set a soft mood and tone; observe
>”sorry… I guess I want to be inside you even while I’m sleeping” I whisper into button’s ear, before gently pecking down her neck
>”if you don’t fucking spoon me back to sleep within the next 10 minutes, I’m going to knee you in the balls so hard you won’t want to be inside of me for the next week… asleep OR awake”
>you’re on your own willy…

>despite what you might think, this is actually the button I’m more familiar with
>bossy, direct and unforgiving button
>this is the the-button I remember
>I hold and spoon her for several minutes with a conflicting sense of nostalgia and salty beta tears of failure
>does this mean I really am a faggot? I think to myself as I hug button’s warm soft body,
>what kind of glorious friendzone is this?

>she eventually gives an audible huff and turns back over, looking at me with a new set of eyes and expression
>this time it’s frustration with a sprinkle of anger

>”rrrggghhhh… now I’m horny” she says at me with a frustrated tone
>I am a whole cup of penis-coffee short of being able to deal with this right now
>it’s too early and my caveman brain can only process what’s going on in small chunks
>I’m currently still trying to figure out who the fuck Ricky Martin is… wasn’t he that stud singer that had girls creaming their pants… then he turned out to be a faggo-…. oh… I get it now


>…perhaps I can get something out of this new turn of events though
>sex sounds great, but even the sparrows aren’t farting yet and I can’t be fucked going through the mop up process that comes after some solid morning penetration
>”I’ll get you off, but you bring your wish to an end” I offer to her, trying to take advantage of the situation
>”nope… going to need to offer more than just getting me off for that”
>at least it’s a start
>”a massage, later today…”
>button bites her lip at me, “go down on me as well”
>jesus what is this a fucking business transaction?
>not that it’s a bad one, I enjoy going down on her… would happily do it without the deal attached to it
>”deal” I say and immediately reach for her ass
>button backs away, “you hold up your end, then I hold up mine”
>”that’s bullshit…” I snap at her
>”then the deal’s off and we go back to sle-…”
>”yeah alright whatever”
>finally… no more ass-restrictions… Willy is throbbing with joy at the idea

>button moves onto her back and puts her legs apart, pulling her hair to one side in preparation
>I move on top of her with a half asleep expression, intending to get her off as quickly and efficiently as possible
>she smiles at me softly… maybe even appreciatively, don’t know, too dark and too early
>”…don’t be too rough” button says with a gentle tone as she puts her hands up on my chest
>melts my fucking heart right out of my chest it does…
>she still plays me like a fucking fiddle… but I’m at a point of acceptance now
>this is how it’s always been, wouldn’t have it any other way really


>I run my fingers down her soft belly and over her pubis, it’s getting a little prickly… going down on a prickly girl is like rubbing your upper lip and nose on wet sandpaper
>”going to need to shave that before tonight” I say to her as my fingers slide into her soggy breadbox
>she opens her mouth to reply but I curl my fingers up in perfect timing and the words get caught in the back of her throat as she looks at me, her eyes beginning to glaze over
>she nods instead as her legs tighten around me
>I love these moments… one of the few times that I get to be 100% in control
>the tail is still in her ass and I can feel it tickling my wrist as my fingers probe the inside of her like something off the first episode of South Park
>”let’s make this interesting… if you can say your ABCs before you hit orgasm number 5…” I talk slowly as I stare directly at her cute half vacant face, “…I’ll cook anything you want for tonight”
>it’s a small bet, nothing I don’t mind losing, but enough to make things a little exciting,

Note: Have played this little game with a few of my exes, it’s a power trip thing… assuming you aren’t half bad with your fingers. Can be their ABCs, count to 10, times tables, on the phone to their dying grandma… whatever floats your boat. It’s hot as fuck listening to them struggle to get through it, adds some excitement. 9/10 would recommend. Also, this next part is hard to describe unless I use some creative writing. Anything short of a capital just represents her trying to say the first sound of the letter

>button tries to smile at me, enjoying the idea of the game… but she has trouble making the shape with her mouth with my fingers working away inside of her tight little hole
>I look at her impassively
>not trying to be cool… just still sleepy, but it is cool
>”A… b… b… B” she struggles to get the letters out
>”c… c-nnnnggghhhhh…” I apply a bit more pressure with my fingers every time she gets close to saying it
>”mmmmhh-C… D, E… eh… ehhhh… F”
>she’s doing ok… but there are plenty of tricky letters left, and I’m not really pushing her too hard just yet… want to let her think she can do it before I pull out the big guns
>”g… G… hh..hhhnnnggggg” she begins to whimper as she cums for the first time
>I raise an eyebrow at her, giving her a feigned, slightly impressed look

>as she opens her mouth for the ‘I’, I double up my movements, quickly pushing her from her first orgasm and into her second
>her mouth stays open, no words coming out, her breath caught as the second wave of electricity ripples up through her body


>”give up yet?”
>she smiles while shaking her head, defiant until the end I suppose
>“I, J, K L…” she says quickly and in between breaths, using the downtime between her next orgasm to her advantage, “eehh.. ehhhhhhhhhmmmM”


>the O is always a good one, attack that fucking g-spot like as if it were Gohma’s goddamn eyeball
>the word gets caught in button’s mouth as she stares at me silently, mouth open and eyes wide as she hits number 4


>“ooohhhhhhhhh…” she finally lets out, more of a moan than a proper O
>but it’s close enough, I’ll give her that one
>she puts her head back on the pillow and closes her eyes, half laughing and half crying from the intensity and frustration of the moment
>must suck… oh well
>time to wrap this up, I start to slide my fingers in and out of her rapidly with the tips curled up, dragging back and forth along the roof of her tummy
>”pppp…pp…pppppppppphhhhhh…” poor thing, she’s trying so hard…
>speaking of which, if I’m not careful she is going to express the next letter literally all over the bed
>”pppp…” she tries again, but it’s too late, her legs clamp around me and her nails dig into my chest as she cums for the 5th and final time


>I stare right into her eyes and allow myself a smug fucking smile
>”Fuucckk youuu” she whimpers at me, still jerking slightly from the last and most intensive wave of fedoraphoria rippling through her
>it feels good to have finally won something…


>button reaches up and gently guides my head down towards hers, eyes still half closed and biting her lip
>I keep my victory smile as she pulls me in to give me a victory kiss!
>suddenly button bites her lip at me in an attempt to stifle a laugh…
>”…PQRSTUVWXYZ… Chicken Enchiladas”


>button smiles at me ”I faked the first one you faggot”
>”bullshit…” I stop my head a few inches from her face, my smug smile now replaced with a look of distrust and doubt
>she pulls my head more forcefully towards her, “you know I would never lie to you”
>I don’t want to kiss her, I tell myself as our lips meet
>I don’t want to enjoy it, I tell myself as I savour the moment
>I don’t want to be button’s bitch, I tell myself as I ascend to the glorious throne of faggothood
>but it’s just so pink and sparkly…



>by the time I wake back up, the sun is finally out in all its glory
>button is laying on her back…
>her shirt is missing, as in… now butt naked, unless you consider the tail to be apparel
>she went to the toilet for what seemed like forever after we finished up
>figured she was doing some ‘butt plug maintenance’
>I must have fallen asleep before she came back to bed
>because I don’t remember her getting back into bed
>… but at some point between then and now, I started hugging her like a teddy bear…
>my head nestled in her neck, my arm around her and even my goddamn leg curled over…


>the whole situation reeks of faggotry
>she doesn’t seem to be awake yet though
>better roll back over before my testicles decide to straight up and leave me altogether
>button begins to stir the moment I release her
>”… mmmmnnnn… no don’t go…” she mumbles, barely awake
>well shit… if I’m going to stick around, I need to man the fuck up and drop this teddy bear bullshit
>I slide a little further up the bed so that button is at shoulder height before wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in close to me
>with manly force


>button smiles, her eyes still closed, “I was enjoying your faggot cuddles…”
>”yeah well now you’re going to enjoy my manly cuddles” I inform her
>”ha-hmmm man cuddles…” she half chuckles and half mumbles while turning toward me, burying herself into my chest
>now that’s what I’m talking about!
>”…and you’re going to blow me in the shower”
>button lets out an amused sound
>can’t tell if that was a yes or no…
>in the middle…
>if 0 was no and 10 was yes, then that sounded like a 5
>when rounding to base 10, 5 rounds up
>so…. 10… which is a yes!

>”… and I get to cum on your face”
>button takes her time replying
>”If I let you do that, could you still look my brothers in the eye when they get here this afternoon?” she finally says
>oh… that…
>I would love to pretend like I went through some sort of big internal moral debate about the conundrum button just proposed…
>’oh dear me… I’m such a faggot… I couldn’t possibly face them after doing something like that mere hours before they got here…’
>but that would be a load of horseshit
>I wouldn’t pass up the chance to go Picasso all over button’s beautiful face with my protein based paint for anything in the world
>except perhaps the opportunity to go Picasso on the inside of button’s rectal cavity…
>could happily keep a straight face as I shook his hand
>telling him about it? Well that’s a different story… the idea of that genuinely scares me
>hell, telling him I popped her cherry is going to be scary enough let alone admitting that for breakfast, I pretended his little sister’s face was a slice of toast upon which I lathered a healthy serving of my man butter
>not that I have to tell him… what am I even getting worried about… just look him in the eye and keep a straight face
>wait what if he asks me what else we have done… what if he found the buttplug somehow? WHAT IF KILL?
>Josh is grunt*, If button can pull that bullshit UFC crap on me with such ease than this guy, the one who taught her, would have me out cold in less time than it takes for Spider-Man to appear in a wincest thread

*note: Don’t want to be specific in his role or section of the ADF, would narrow things down too much. Let’s just say that he is no mechanic or comms officer…

>”try not to over think it too much faggot…”
>I look down at button…
>she has a content looking smile on her face after having successfully guessed where my mind had wandered to
>we ended up just laying there for another good half hour or so…
>button?… straight back to sleep with that same content look on her face, 100% happy and carefree
>me? … going over possible ways I could word my crime to her brother…

>’listen Josh… I love your sister… she loves me… I think…’
>no that’s too generic

>maybe just use big words… ‘good day my fellow compatriot, I wish to divulge to you that your beloved sister and I fornicated on a certain piece of upholstered furnit-…’
>nope … that’s definitely a punch to the face right there

>I could just try and play it off as no big deal… ’sup mate, what you drinking? my shout… by the way, I rooted ya sister… shit was cash!’
>could work… if I get him good and drunk first
>like… well and truly fucking shitfaced that is

>button rolls away from me and onto her back, letting out a yawn, stretching her hands and pulling her knees up to her chest


>as she does so, her back arches up like the Sydney Harbour Bridge… except button’s bridge is far superior on account of the two modest mounds of firm breast that adorn the top of the arch
>I take in the sight as the morning sun cascades across her supple naked body in patches of bright gold…
>…even Elton John would be hard pressed not to get a stiffy over this
>I want her… now

>as I lean in towards button, I slide my arm through the gap between her and the bed, taking her weight while she begins to relax back down from her stretch
>I run my hand all the way across the taut skin on her back before wrapping my fingers around her waist, keeping her body arched like before
>she gives me an affectionate smile as I lean into her, planting kisses up her stomach and ribs before reaching RB
>”hhhhhaaaaaa… good morning!?” button coos at me with an intrigued tone of voice as I run my tongue over her hard nipple
>her skin is smooth and dry, covered in a fine layer of goosebumps from the cool morning air blowing in from the window
>It’s intoxicating…
>my brain isn’t even in charge anymore, so many wants
>I want to touch every part of her simultaneously, to somehow experience all of her at once
>fuck the blowjob…
>I want much more than that now


>I keep moving my kisses further and further up her body as my free hand runs back down in the opposite direction, tracing over her curves and towards her thighs
>”hhhhmmmm… what put you in such a faggoty mood this morning?” she jests at me
>I make sure to plant a few long and slightly wet kisses on her neck before answering… “well, I’ll just stop then…”
>button closes her thighs together as I lean further over, pulling her in closer to me with the arm thats still under the arch of her back
>I begin to nibble gently at her neck as my hand slides down over her stomach and then out along her pelvis, my fingers gently tracing along the contours and ridges of her hip
>button lets out a slight muffled “hnnngg” at the combination of sensations
>“maybe I want you to stop…” she muses at me… poorly
>eventually my hand reaches the knee high crevice that has formed where her thighs meet each other
>I push my hand through the gates of button, she shows a little bit of complementary resistance… but ultimately she parts her legs for me, allowing my hand to run down and over her soft slit
>her lips are dry warm and swollen but the moment I ran my finger slowly down through her inner folds… her dam walls burst open
>”no you don’t…” I reply to her coolly, confident that the last thing she wants right now is for me to stop

>she swallows as I begin to push two of my fingers into her… holding button’s body firmly beneath me
>I move towards her lips as I gently curl my fingers up to my favourite parking spot
>she brings a hand up and places it on my cheek
>”do you?” I ask her, pausing just before our lips meet
>button looks at me with half closed eyes and an expression that tells me she is too caught up in the moment to care about games any more
>she shakes her head slightly to answer my question as her deep brown eyes stay locked on mine, just inches from my face
>I can feel her breathing against my face as my fingers gently probe around inside of her
>she is incredibly tight, soft and warm… not to mention ridiculously wet
>I may not be able read button like a book the same way she does with me…
>nor will I likely ever be a match for her cunning and wit
>but if there is one thing I do feel that I understand about her by now… it’s her body
>our lips meet and we begin to kiss…
>the sort of kiss that means something…


>her soft lips press against mine with an indescribable gentleness
>it’s light… intimate… no tongue… perfectly paced from both sides
>I slowly move away from her, leading her with me as I roll onto my back
>my fingers are still inside of her as I move , pulling her gently to hint at where I want her to move
>button allows me to guide her into position over the top of my crotch as I lean back in a half sitting upright and half laying down sort of position
>she takes my cock in one hand and places the other on my chest, leaning into me as she begins jerking, albeit a little haphazardly
>not what I was going for, but I can work on that
>I keep wiggling my fingers gently into her tiny slit, pushing them in as deep as I can, exploring the folds and creases of her warm tunnel…
>occasionally dragging them back over the little ridges mark her g spot…
>for those interested, it sort of feels like a softer version of those hard ridges you have on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth…

>it may not have her skyrocketing towards the finish line… but that’s not my intention… I’m trying to be slow and intimate with my movements
>I want her to relax…
>the whole experience is something new for button
>while the sex so far has been hot, intimate, passionate and incredible… I don’t feel like fucking button right now
>I’m in a different mood and I’m trying to show her that
>I just want to feel as close to her as possible
>inb4 faggot
>have always been a faggot

>button seems to be catching on fairly quickly though as I continue to set the pace, now working the shaft of my love meat with a slower and more rhythmic pace
>she continues to hover over my crotch, rocking her hips back and forth gently in time to my movements, pushing herself onto my fingers… urging me to go deeper
>she keeps her gaze fixed on me
>normally I would feel uncomfortable with somebody looking right into my eyes the whole time
>but when button does it, for some reason it just doesn’t feel awkward
>I run my hand up her waist… over her chest… up her neck…
>she begins to lean into me as my hand moves up her body towards her face
>my fingers wrap around the back of her neck while leaving my thumb running up her cheek, pulling her towards me
>we continue to kiss, it’s slow and relaxed, plenty of space to breathe while I gently massage her g-spot, trying to gradually build up her growing anticipation

>at some point she must have realised what I was up to and bites my lip playfully before pulling away


>she smiles at me affectionately, glancing down at my lips and then back up again before opening her mouth to say something…
>a brief look of hesitation flashes across buttons face before she replaces it with a more neutral look
> I what? was she about to say what I think she was going to say!?
>”you what…” I try to encourage her on, my heart suddenly beating a hell of a lot faster than it probably should be
>button’s eyes dart down to her hand on my chest for a split second before she looks back up at me with a studying expression on her face
>my movements inside of her have almost come to a standstill as my mind races about what may or may not have just happened
>she suddenly breaks out into a playful smile while biting her lip
>”I… take… the wish back” button says to me slowly, “but no dick in my ass yet…” she finishes up with a stern look
>was that a cover? or was that what she intended to say all along…

>no point worrying about it now… more important things, limp dick…
>button looks down at the soggy noodle in her hand and then pouts at me cutely
>”It’s going to be hard to make love with that…” button says in a disappointed tone while wiggling herself down onto my fingers
>the shear bluntness of her comment completely catches me off guard as I look at her, lost for words, still caught up in the whole ‘I’ thing
>it certainly isn’t helping poor willy
>she leans forward and rests her forehead against mine
>my entire vision is filled with her heart melting, milk chocolate brown eyes
>I can feel her hand slide down towards her pussy, searching for my fingers inside of her
>she starts to rub at her clit, immediately making soft little moans right into my face
>doesn’t even matter if it’s an act, my entire body begins to quickly and efficiently divert blood back to my crotch, causing willy to rise from the ashes like a giant rock hard pink phoenix
>she smiles with satisfaction as she feels things quickly stirring to life within her hand
>button slides two of her own fingers inside of herself, alongside mine
>”nnnggghhmmmm” she moans softly at me
>her fingers are much smaller than mine and she manages to get them in without too much effort
>within seconds I’m so solid I could set a new benchmark on Mohs scale of hardness

>button pulls her head away and her fingers out as she moves herself forward, so that things are more properly lined up
>her hand is still firmly wrapped around my throbbing cock as she holds it steadily while lowering herself down
>I reach around and grab both halves of button’s ass firmly in my hands before wriggling backwards into a slightly more upright position, dragging her with me
>she releases me from her grip and puts two hands back on my chest to steady herself as I guide her down gently onto my stiff pink rocket
>button opens her mouth in a silent moan as I lower her down… sliding her back up occasionally, slowly coating my cock in her juices
>I can feel the fluffy tail dragging up and down slowly against my balls as I work button’s tight little hole further and further down onto me
>she leans in and begins to kiss me, her arms now around my neck
>eventually she is sitting all the way down on my lap as we make out in slow soft kisses, a little bit of lip biting even
>as I hold her down on me… enjoying the warm, tight wet sensation engulfing my 9iron, I can’t help but wonder what is going through her head right now…

>suddenly all the feels and memories from before come flooding back in, as if I just had managed to clear some sort of mental blockage
>the image of button’s beautiful body arched on the bed
>the feeling of wanting to try and be as close to her as possible
>she starts to get restless in my lap, trying to gently rock back and forth… desperate for more stimulation
>I wrap one arm around her back and pull button against me, grabbing a hold of her butt plug with the my other hand
>button moves her feet up and locks them on the inside of my legs before starting to move herself up and down on me
>I help her out by taking most of her weight with the arm around her, but ultimately let her do the moving
>she tries to make small quick movements at first, until I reach back down and grab a firm hold of both LT and RT, slowing her pace down and helping her make long deep movements up and down
>within a minute, button relaxes into a good rhythm, lifting herself (with my help) almost all the way off my hard cock, before lowering herself back down onto me until she can’t sit down any further


>AT LEAST 25-30 minutes or so go by… button straddling my lap, both of us moving in sync to help maximise the depth of each thrust
>I push myself upwards as button slides back down onto me
>it’s a slow buildup, but button seemed to figure out fairly early on that it would be worth it… either that or she is just enjoying herself?
>both of us are slick with sweat
>the mix of sweat and button’s constant stream of natural juices getting pushed out of her each time I push myself in make for one hell of a slimy and slightly sticky hot mess
>the best sex is always the messiest

>I have one hand wrapped around button, helping to lift her up and down, while my other hand gently pulls and pushes at the plug in her ass
>by angling my fingers over the base of the plug, I can push her tail inwards so that it tickles my family jewels with each movement up and down
>I can feel button getting closer and closer to cumming…
>the closer she gets, the sloppier her movements become as her body begins to hover close to the edge
>end up taking over completely for her, using everything I have to keep up the same deep and slow rhythm
>but even I’m getting close at this point

>button puts her hands on either side of my head, staring into my eyes as she nears the edge
>she closes her eyes, “ohhh fffuckkk… I’m so close…”
>Instead of speeding up, I pull her in closer to me and slow down even more… moving my hips in addition to lifting her up and down
>I can feel an intense sensation starting to build at the base of my cock…


>button presses her forehead against mine as she hovers over the edge, ready to climax at any moment
>I look her in the eye, “I’m… going to…cum…” I manage to get out under my breath
>her eyes are fixed on mine as she looks at me with a vacant but intimate expression
>she begins to open her mouth, though it’s not in a moaning way, at least not at first…
>It’s almost as if she is about to say something…
>but before she can say it, button lowers her head slightly, resting her forehead back against mine, her mouth hanging open and her eyes glazing over as she stares at me, finally falling over the edge and into the orgasm..

>her already very tight hole attempts to half in size as it contracts around my cock
>her eyes close shut tightly, involuntarily
>her mouth is open… but no sound comes out
>her nails bite into the back of my neck and shoulder like an army of angry hornets
>her entire body seems to just freeze in time as I pull her down onto my cock, pushing myself up as deep as I can go, wrapping one hand around her and holding her as close to me as I can
>the intensity of her orgasm, and the way her pussy is trying to force my cock out of it sends me hurtling over the edge at speeds exceeding mach 1.7


>”…a…..oohhhhhhhhh goooodddddd…..” button finally lets out as her body relaxes from the initial wave of pleasure that caused all her muscles to tense up, before tensing up again, and again, and again
>my turn to be silent… It feels like somebody is holding a taser to my ass cheek while simultaneously injecting 5 meths into my knob
>I pull button down onto my cock so hard that there is a good chance willy may wave at me from inside her throat
>button’s eyes open wide as she looks right at me just before I feel a sudden burst of wet and warmth all over my crotch
>“ffuuckk…… anonnn….” She whimpers at me as she squirts on my lap
>I can feel my cock pulse and throb as I fire load after load after load deep into button’s love tunnel
>our eyes locked as we float along cloud 9 holding each other

>feels like an eternity passes before everything starts to settle down
>button didn’t squirt a HUGE amount, maybe 2-3 times
>but holy shit was it hot… I have never made a girl do that before without pounding my fingers or my knob against their g-spot in specific positions
>button just lays forward on me, limp cock still sitting inside of her
>the bed is a fucking mess… now covered in a combination of sweat, pussy juice, semen and piss
>even button’s tail is going to need to be washed, it looks like she has a drowned rat hanging out of her asshole
>whole situation is a filthy mess
>best sex of my life to that date

>eventually she pushes herself up from my chest in order to face me
>still breathing through gritted teeth… still trying to recover
>”don’t ruin it…” I say to her in an exhausted tone, referring to the inevitable witty comment that she is no doubt concocting, “just let us have one nice moment…”
>button thinks a short moment about what I just said before smiling at me lightly
>”I won’t say it then…” she says, sounds slightly disappointed
>”say what?” I ask, trying the best I can to hide the excitement in my voice and sound calm
>she places her hands on either side of my cheeks as she leans in close, giving a small shrug just before our lips met, “you’re the mind reader…”
>somehow… and I still don’t quite understand it myself, but somehow button has actually managed to simultaneously play down the moment, ruin it entirely, and suggest that it was actually the most meaningful thing we have ever done
>she managed to do all this… while not even commenting directly on anything that happened


>with some effort we manage to pry our sticky bodies apart and button wanders off to the bathroom while I strip the sheets off the bed and follow her in
>button is rinsing the tail in the sink as I walk in and start loading up the washing machine
>she notices me watching intently from the corner of her eye and smiles
>takes me a bit to realise that I’m finally free to ask away…
>button seems to have already figured what is on my mind as I walk back towards her
>she spins around in anticipation and presses her ass against the vanity before I have a chance to grab it
>”I have some questions that I would like to ask you” I inform her using a formal sort of tone
>”no I’m not going to share it, go buy your own” she says while quickly hopping up into the shower
>eh… mild bait, 4/10, would not bite
>I give her a serious but playful look as I follow her in
>”I kicked your ass once… I won’t hesitate to do it again” she warns me with a smile as I move towards her
>she knows I’m not going to do anything… just enjoys reminding me where the power actually lies
>”trust me, I’m good for a while” I tell her as I put my hands on her waist gently… before moving her out from under the water in order to rinse the combination of at least 4 different bodily excrements from my crotch and thighs
>”well go on…” button says as she finishes soaping herself and gets to work on me “…ask”



Gentle Tangent
>It didn’t take long for us to become comfortable with each other physically due to the previous friendship and such
>I know many of you would be tempted to look at us as a couple at this point… especially considering what just happened this morning
>but it’s a hell of a lot more complicated than that, we do some couple of things, have our moments… but we also still act like best friends outside of the intimate moments
>we quickly developed little routines… like me doing the cooking, and button washing up
>or when we showered, washing each other…
>it’s hard to explain, it’s not that we did those moments with the intention of being intimate… that was just a result
>we did those things because we were comfortable… because it just made sense to work together and get things done in the most efficient way
>so to try and label our relationship with any of the generic terms like dating, going out… would only be partly true, and overall a poor representation of things
>Is there a single word for us at this point? I don’t know…
>but to take a leaf out of button’s book, I just went with the flow and accepted things how they were instead of trying to fit it into a category
>though the word ‘partners’ seems somewhat fitting

>”why are you wearing the tail so much… it’s beyond teasing me now isn’t it?“
>”it gets comfortable after a while, almost feels weird NOT having it in when I take it out” button finally reveals to me as I begin to work shampoo into her hair
>took me the better part of three years to admit to my last ex that I was interested in the idea of her wearing a tail, wouldn’t even call it a full blown fetish… I just thought it was kinda sexy and would make our stale ass relationship fun
>flat out NOPE
>didn’t care about the tail part, she agreed that was cute… it was the up the butt that she noped at
>and yet within 3 days of button finding out that it was a thing for me, she is prancing around the house wearing one… willingly it would even seem
>makes me wonder why any of us even bother with girls that clearly have little interests outside of themselves


>still curious though, it’s a two part toy really…”is it the tail that feels comfortable? Or the plug?”
>I’m midway through massaging conditioner into buttons head while she plays with my nutbag, stretching it out and trying to collect water with it
>admit it, you have done the same thing at one point or another… girls are just as curious, trust me
>”I don’t know how to explain it… the tail just feels… kind of cool” button says as she looks back up at me, “the plug itself though is a little weird at first, especially when I sit down… but like I said, you get used to it…”
>still so many questions, I think to myself as button closes her eyes and enjoys the sensation of my fingers kneading her scalp
>”is it just comfortable? Or does it feel good, like it turns you on?”
>button thinks about the question for a bit
>”depends, I know it turns you on, which turns me on I guess…” she begins
>I have wanted to ask this shit for days…
>”when I’m not in the mood it just sort of feels like… it’s there… but when we start doing stuff-“
>”like when I fuck you…” I interject proudly, which earns me a slight smile and sigh from button
>”sort of… more when you play with it though” she adds
>”like that time on the couch…”
>this gets a much bigger smile out of her, she knows which time I’m referring to
>”you’re lucky I didn’t ask you to tell Josh about that too” button replies smugly

>I decide to let a bit of faggotry slip
>”trust me…” I begin to mumble as I shield her eyes with my hand while rinsing the conditioner out of her hair, “… I know how lucky I am”
>”stop trying to be subtle and just spit it out” button scoffs at me accusingly
>we both know what she is referring to
>but I haven’t got the balls to say the words… for a lot of different reasons
>namely because of the all the shit with past girls…
>I won’t bore you with the details, so I will just admit that I have an unhealthy distrust of the whole ‘forever’ and ‘true love’
>as each of my past relationships withered and finished with heartache, I started worrying too much about the ‘inevitable’ end to the point where I would grow distant and become the very reason why things ended

>If I just never say it to her… then maybe she won’t ever leave like the others?
>I try to ignore what she said, but button holds her gaze at me… waiting for a response
>”I was thinking we could go grab lunch out instead of making it here? Would be nice to get out of the house…”
>she continues to look a bit before saying “sure” and turning back around

Another Gentle Tangent! (this one is very relevant)
>when I split with slut 3 a few months before all this started, I ended up having drunk outpour to button about all the past relationships, how I felt, the fear of being left and how that was causing me to just not let myself get attached
>It was a very long and one sided conversation with me doing all the talking, but she listened nonetheless
>I didn’t expect her to fix anything of course, it was more of a release for me than anything… I may have gotten slightly… err… emotional towards the end
>it’s not like button to go handing out elaborate speeches of sugar frosted consolation… but she did offer me a single piece of blunt wisdom after I finished
>”it doesn’t sound like you actually loved any of them honestly… If you really did, then they wouldn’t have ever had a reason to leave… how about next time, instead of throwing the word around like a little princess, grow a set of fucking balls and only say it if you know you mean it”
>that really hit home for me

>button is well aware why I avoided her comment earlier, though she doesn’t seem to be angry
>at least if she really were, she wouldn’t be leaning her head back against me as the hot water washes down over us
>”I am angry at you…”
>ok apparently she is angry…
>but this is a new experience, we never really fought online, just bluntly told each other if something annoyed us, and moved on
>I would apologize, but I’m not 100% sure what I would be apologizing for… which she would likely call me out on
>”tell me why” I try to remain calm and take her upfront style approach
>button turns around to face me, “don’t compare me to your shitty ass exes” she says with a threatening smile before stepping past me and out of the shower
>I think about what she said under the hot water as she dries herself
>pretty sure I get her meaning, it was a little indirect for her tastes though
>being blunt and upfront worked a moment ago, so I’ll try it again, “are you saying YOU would never leave me?”
>”not unless you gave me a reason to” she replies casually
>well this is fucking deep… I think to myself as button heads out to get dressed

>”are we getting take away or are we eating somewhere” button asks me impassively
>”eating in”
>she doesn’t reply, and nothing else is said as we get dressed
>get the feeling there is some sort of tension between us now
>can’t tell if that’s the case or I’m just getting wound up like the faggot I am
>now might be the time to drop the fact I was diagnosed with ADHD a few years back
>didn’t really mention it earlier in this whole thing because I didn’t want to get all hurr durr look at muh problems and such
>It’s there… I see a dude who specialises in stuff like this with adults… I deal with it… end of story really
>but I feel It’s about time I point it out, considering it’s the reason I go a little overboard with all the overthinking and internal monologue… I know many of you are thinking, ‘chill the fuck out dude’
>also why I started keeping the journal when I started Uni… FYI
>have talked to button fairly extensively, so she knows how to recognise and deal with it/me

>button puts on jeans and that fluffy eared hoodie
>still looks contradicting on her given her personality
>maybe that’s the joke?
>we leave the apartment
>tension is eating away at me
>should I have just said it? Would she have said it back? Would I have meant it?
>just walking on autopilot as my brain works overtime
>button figures out what’s going on, probably knew ages ago but wanted to watch me squirm for a bit knowing her
>she grabs a hold of my arm with both hands, leaning into me just like all the times before
>”you still haven’t given me a key to our place…”
>my brain flushes the messy diarrhoea of bullshit away
>haven’t given me a key to our place
>me a key to our place
>key to our place
>our place


>we reach the small café that I had in mind, stylish place, good quality food which is reflected in the price while still remaining fair and affordable
>would never be a regular as a student though
>will point out to amerifags that we don’t tip in Australia, however wages are adjusted to make up for that, a casual waitress would expect to get 16-20$ USD an hour
>sometimes there may be a tip jar on the counter, but it’s only if you want to be generous

>shortly after grabbing a table, an extremely hipster looking guy comes to pass out menus
>he has that typical short hair on the sides while being long and combed on the top… spacers, lip ring, glasses…


>”OH EM GEE… that hoodie is adorable! Look at you two… cute as a button, can I get you guys some coffee?”
>it’s pretty obvious this guy loves to treat himself to a meat cigar or two each day… or ten
>button sees her opening and pounces at it with full force…

>”I’ll have a flat white…” she says to gayhipsterwaiter with a polite smile, before bringing her gaze back down to me with an amused grin, “… and my best friend here will have his favourite, a skimmed hazelnut latte”
>”Oh my bad! friends it is XDXDXDXD, I’ll be back shortly with your order” he says with a disturbingly affectionate smile… directed mostly at me
>as he turns around to walk back to the kitchen, I’m actually surprised to see his pants aren’t the arseless kind


>button rests her head in her hands and smiles at me, “well he seemed wonderful… don’t you think?”
>I give her a blunt look, “couldn’t resist… could you?”
>”well I had to make the correction and let him know you were available?” she jests at me dramatically
>”or you could’ve just let him think we were dating…” I mumble while going through the menu
>”well if you wanted this to be a date, you should have made that clear when you first asked me” button informs me with ‘matter of fact’ tone, “… instead of being all subtle and faggoty about it”
>the thought did occur to me at the time, but I couldn’t think of a way to ask without getting called a faggot
>in hindsight, I probably would’ve been called a faggot no matter how I worded it

>SirSemenBreath comes back out with our coffees
>no penis in my froth… why does this disappoint me?
>button orders the banana and buttermilk pancakes with honeycomb ice cream and maple syrup
>”oh good choice… you won’t be disappointed, trust me XDXD” he chirps at button with enough homo-enthusiasm to power a mardi gra float all on itself
>if this guy was just a sprinkle more gay, there would be a serious chance his shit actually came out rainbow coloured and smelling like chlorine
>”and what can I get for you” he says to me with a very astute tone of voice and slightly puckered lips
>fuck me… I have never really been bothered by gays… really couldn’t give two fucks what you do in your spare time
>but this guy right here… he’s so over the top flamboyantly homosexual that it makes me want to slap the faggot right off his face

>I end up ordering eggs benedict with fresh smoked salmon and rocket
>”mmm, sounds good, I’ll get that started for you right away” he says before parading away in a shower of confetti
>sounds good? what in 7 gays does that even mean?
>”I think he likes you…” button says with a suggestive smile, “I could be your wingman if you want? Get his phone number maybe?”
>”what time are your brothers arriving?” I ask, ignoring her goading
>“…about 5ish” button studies the expression on my face, “are you nervous?”
>”should I be?”
>button just shrugs at me with a cute smile
>I want to think that she would never deliberately put me in a situation where I might get hurt
>but she took great pleasure in doing just that on many occasions in the past
>never hesitated to ditch my arse in the helicopter if things were looking bleak, parachuting down and continuing to capture objectives on foot while I waited to respawn
>one can only hope this unique style of affection of hers doesn’t pass over into the real world

>as we’re waiting for the food, I recall something she mentioned the other day
>”so if I go through with this, I get backdoor access…”
>button raises an eyebrow at me, “I never said that…”
>”you said there would be something in it for me…” I remind her
>”and that was your first conclusion… should have guessed…” she replies with a roll of her eyes, “if you want ass so badly, maybe I really should get you the waiter’s number”


>”oh come on… you’re as interested as I am by this point surely”
>she smiles ever so slightly, “what makes you say that”
>”you already admitted you didn’t mind the tail…”
>”theres a big difference between 5 inches of silicone with a thin base sitting gently inside me…” she says with a blank expression, ”and 8 inches of you grunting away uncontrollably on top of me”
>I go to say something further but she beats me to it, “remember what happened the last time you pushed me? because I still have a wish left”
>”fine… is it better or worse” I change directions slightly, though I already have a feeling it’s going to be something extremely anti-climactic like a handshake or a pat on the head
>button looks at me expressionlessly… no answer
>”it’s gonna be like that huh…”
>she nods
>suddenly… out of fucking nowhere… glorious sunshine, lollipops and rainbows!!!
>the hipsterfaggot returns on his magical pink unicorn before dismounting with our food, asking (mostly me) if there was anything else he could do… before riding back off into the kitchen, leaving a trail of butterflies and glitter in his wake


>meals are good, button manages to polish off the pancakes in one go
>asked her if I could try some…
>”only if you go and ask the waiter for his phone number”
>no banana pancakes for me…


>button gets a text message, reads it… smiles… puts her phone away (Galaxy s4 fyi) and continues eating
>”from your brother?”
>”no, a guy that likes me” she says nonchalantly
>9/10, good bait…
>“oh yeah? What did he want…” I know she is messing with me, but I play along anyway
>”he asked if I was single and wanted to go out on a date, maybe an early lunch or something…” she replies with a teasing smile
>its weird you know… I seem to do this a lot, I ALMOST always know when button is baiting me, but most of the time I walk into it anyway…
>you know those times when you have a bruise, you know poking it will hurt… but you do it anyway
>or when you stick your dick into a funnel web hole just for the thrill… it’s like that…

>”aren’t you going to at least reply to him? Can’t leave the poor guy hanging…” I suggest to button casually while I finish off my meal, “… I know if I was in his position I would like to have a clear answer regardless of what it was rather than no answer at all”
>we shit talk a lot, I’ve mentioned that… but this time it almost feels like a fucking duel
>button smiles at my response, happy that I’m playing along, “Is that your advice as my best friend?” she says
>I think about what to say… I haven’t given a huge amount of thought to what exactly ‘we’ are at this point… it’s a big fucking hot mess of lots of things really, it’s not button’s style to try and label things or fit them into neat categories
>”that’s my advice as somebody who…” I begin, picking my words carefully, “… cares about you deeply”
>she doesn’t even hesitate before responding, “well then as ‘somebody who cares about me deeply’, what should I tell him?”
>this stopped being fun very quickly…
>“ok… fine… let’s pretend it wasn’t your brother” I begin, unable to hide the fact that I’m tired of her poking “my advice would be to politely refuse his offer and explain that you are currently involved with somebody else” I let out at her, getting tired of the game
>button just looks at me, but not with the gloating smile I expected her to have after managing to get me riled up
>she fetches her phone from her pocket again, flicks through it briefly before sliding it along the table to me
>on the screen is a message from somebody named Ben

From Ben

>I read the message at least 3 times… I know I shouldn’t feel threatened, or worried, or flustered… but I still do
>”sorry, I thought you were messing with me… say whatever you want to him I guess” I mumble at her apologetically, feeling bad for snapping
>”don’t be sorry, I was messing with you” she sighs before adopting a empathetic smile, “and this is exactly the reason why… because the moment you find out it was a real message, you go all soft and limp dick on me”
>she doesn’t really need to say any more, I’m quick enough to understand her point
>”so what are you gonna say back?”
>”I’m not saying anything, you are” button nods at her phone which is still in my hand
>I look at it again, the message…
>”do you have any cash on you?” button asks out of the blue
>pull my wallet from back pocket and search through it, “couple of 50’s”
>”just pass me your wallet” she says, getting up from the table and holding her hand out
>I just look at her with potato downy confusion… trust a girl? with money?
>”it’s not a date unless you pay for the meal”
>the moment she says that, I manage to instantly teleport the wallet into buttons outstretched hand with my mental spaghetti power and she leaves for the register
>while she’s paying, I think about what to write on button’s behalf
>grow some balls you fucking faggot, I think to myself
>I type up the message and send it just as button walks back out
>she doesn’t even check her phone as I hand it to her, just slips it back into her pocket before handing me a napkin
>it has a phone number on it…
>button smiles wildly at me as we leave for home
>don’t even care… can’t stop thinking about that message…


>on the way home she gets another message
>oh boy here it is… he replied and now she will read what I said on her behalf
>I can feel my palms get nervously saucy as spaghetti wells up in my pockets
>button lets go of my arm and takes out her phone
>spaghetti begins to squelch between my toes with each step as I watch her expression out of the corner of my eye
>she reads briefly, and then smiles before looking up at me
>I need to wipe the sauce off my eyebrow but my hands are too saucy to spaghetti the sauce off
>”Josh and Cam will be here at around two”
>oh it wasn’t from Ben… wait hang on… that’s only 2 hours away?!
>instead of alleviating my saucy problem, it just changes the flavour
>button talks excitedly as we walk home, looking forward to seeing her two youngest brothers, as well as finally getting her battle station back

>I have trouble opening the door with my saucy ham flavoured palms by the time we reach ‘our’ place
>we both set about cleaning things up, I keep things pretty tidy… but I want to make a good impression
>vacuum floors, put the sheets in the dryer, wipe down the kitchen and the bathroom, etc
>I put button’s tail in the bottom most drawer of her bedside along with her stockings and the handcuffs… praying to god they never have a reason to look in there
>I mean why would they? Right?
>spaghetti levels rising
>50 minutes left, bed has been re-made with fresh sheets and the place looks nice and presentable
>button goes into the bathroom while I sit at my PC and watch some youtube to pass the time
>end up watching one of those video that shows how common everyday items are made

How its made – Spaghetti

>”anon… can you help me with something” button calls out from the bathroom after a while
>I start a music playlist before heading to see what’s up
>enter the bathroom to find her sitting on the edge of the bath with her legs in the tub… butt naked…
>my first thought is ‘FUCKYEAH’
>spaghetti levels reaching maximum threshold
>”can you shave my legs for me?” button asks me
>I just look at her expressionlessly as my upper brain and lower brain battle it out for an answer
>and so it begins… The Great Spaghetti War of Day 7

>upper brain manages to take the lead in this first of many fronts, “you can’t do it yourself?”
>”I wanted you to do it… or is whatever you’re watching on YouTube far more interesting?”
>upperbrainBro can’t find a flaw in her logic so control is passed over to lowerbrainBro
>I’ve done this a couple of times before, nothing hard about it, shaving a girl’s legs is infinitely easier than shaving your own face
>only slightly hard spots are the underside of the knee and the kneecap itself, but still easier than your throat or chin
>she has her own razor out, it’s a top tier multi blade cartridge Gillette with the trimming edge as well as some girly looking shaving gel


>don’t even question the fact it’s a man’s razor, most of my exes always preferred guys razors over girls ones
>button already has the water from the detachable showerhead running on low pressure as she passes it to me with a smile
>”I take it you’ve done this before to?”
>I nod at her, “how far up do you want me to go?”
>”your choice…”
>Unless you’re dating a fucking Italian or Russian girl, most of the girls I have been with generally stop about lower thigh beyond which the hair mostly thins out to that thin fuzz that we all have over our body


>don’t mind a bit of fuzz… plus time is limited
>although… thinking about giving button that oily full body massage later tonight has me thinking it would be cool to shave everything

>I motion button to stand up and face away from me as I begin wetting her ass and working the gel into it along with her thighs
>”the lot huh?”
>”just this once” I reply as I quickly and efficiently drag the razer over her impeccably sculpted bum
>”does that include my asshole?” button asks bluntly
>”… do you want me to?”
>”do you have any idea how hard it is on your own?…”
>I think about it for a moment, trying to imagine how one would even set out to attempt such a feat
>doesn’t take me long before I have her ass and upper thighs nice and smooth, ready to move on to the more in central hard to reach delicate bits
>after fumbling around for a bit trying to figure out how to pull her cheeks apart with only one hand, button moves to make it easier
>she quickly ties her hair up to avoid it getting wet before dropping to her knees, head down low, legs apart and her beautiful round ass poking up at me


>its awkward to reach her now from outside the tub
>going to need to get in

>I lather her asscrack up with gel, running my fingers along the very fine layer of prickles to figure out which way the grain goes
>”err… against or with the grain?” I ask button hesitantly… its new territory for me and the last thing I want to do is give her a chaffed asshole
>that would work against my overall cause
>”from the centre out” she instructs from the other end of the tub
>it takes me a minute or two, being as careful as possible, but the silky smooth sensation as I run my fingers over her ass makes my Chiko Roll hot and crispy (amerifags may need to google that one)
>I eventually work down to her honeypot, carefully navigating the blade over and between her outer lips, feeling as I go for any missed bits
>only other time I tried this was on a girl with good bit of roast beef, ended up giving up… just a fuckin maze of folds and patchy pubes
>button’s cherry pie is mostly an inni, with the hood over her clit running down into two perfectly symmetrical lips, short enough to be only just visible when surrounded by her thick puffy outer lips
>they vanish altogether as they reach her clam flavoured pothole

>as I rinse all the gel off, I can’t help but run my fingers down and over the outer lips of her sperm jacuzzi… poking the tip into her to check if this experience is as erotic for her as it is for me
>sure enough, I can feel her lovely nectar already welling back up after I just rinsed her down
>”try not to get too carried away there faggot”
>too late… I’ve already mentioned how much I enjoy eating pussy, especially when they are fresh… well they don’t come much fresher than this
>I move in and push my tongue into her hive until my tip reaches her salty warm honey
>”hhhuunngghh… … what’s the time?”
>right… brothers… talk about ‘deflating’ the moment
>”I have no idea… maybe 20 to?”
>button turns over and sits in front of me with her legs spread apart and the sort of vacant, lusting expression on her face that I have come interpret as meaning ‘I’ll do anything you want’
>”if you hurry up and shave my legs I’ll blow you…”


>she leans against the bathtub wall as I slide to her side and lift one leg up, quickly lathering it and setting about dragging the razer over her soft skin
>her hand reaches out and grabs a hold of my shaft, working it up and down as if she was trying to light a fucking fire while Wilson watched from a nearby log
>the entire situation is escalating in intensity at a ridiculous pace as button pumps away at my chicken kiev while I hold her leg up and drag the blades over her
>quick shuffle as we switch sides and start her second leg
>I do my best to be as fast as possible while still being careful not to leave any prickles behind
>finally I give her legs a last rinse and then stand up
>a flutter of hesitation passes through my head as a thought occurs to me…
>but it quickly disappears as button immediately gets up onto her knees and guides her mouth over my throbbing kransky
>she wastes no time with teasing or building up a pace, just goes straight to 6th gear… working her mouth and hand up and down my cock with clear intentions
>”how close?” button asks after several minutes while taking a breather and switching to pump action mode
>”maybe a minute, if you keep up the same pace with your mouth”
>button takes me straight back into her mouth with renewed determination
>I feel my knees go weak and I let out a ”hhhuuuunnnhhhh…” as button brings me across the finish line
>but the moment I go tense, she pulls my broad-meat-sword from her warm sheath and lowers herself down below it as I was about to knight her

(opens in new tab)

>it’s too late…
>button sticks her tongue out as I start to fire wads of nervous spaghetti all over her beautiful face
>she completely ignores the knocking… jerking me until my tomatoes shrivel and no more bolognese sauce is cumming out of my linguine
>all I can do is stand there and stare in awe at the masterpiece I have unintentionally created before me

>button swallows whatever cum made it into her mouth and then smiles at me, ”better hurry up faggot…”
>coked up downy? Bruh muh brain feels as useless and confused as an autistic brony with cerebral palsy having a seizure at a sorority party while midway through an acid trip
>after quickly stepping out of the bath, I begin dressing myself in the spaghetti strewn all over the floor
>button casually reaches for the facecloth and begins washing herself, “close the door on your way out…” she calls as I exit the bathroom
>I wade through the knee deep sea of ravioli as quickly as I can to the front door
>KNOCK KNOCK-…. I open the sheet of lasagna up midway through

Note: I’m going to start dropping in the Aussie slang for the sake of keeping things authentic

>”well ‘bout fucking time mate, thought maybe ya wern home or sumthin” booms a piece of walking muscle standing in the doorway
>It’s Josh, the elder of the two… he’s about the same height as me, maybe a fraction shorter except built like a fucking M1 Abrams Tank… very typical football player sort of look
>short cropped dark hair, round clean shaven face and arms like tree trunks covered in all sorts of serious looking tattoos
>”nice to finally fuckin meeta ya Anon” he almost yells at me, extending his hand
>I don’t know about the rest of the world… but here in Australia a handshake is very bloody important
>a limp handshake will instantly lose you any and all respect regardless of who you are, while a strong, firm and confident handshake will gain you the opposite
>though it’s not a competition to see who can be the strongest, just as long as you seem confident and firm
>I look Josh in the eye with a casual smile and shake his hand, “nice to meet ya buddy!”
>”what where ya doing mate? Having a snooze?”
>my mind searches the shelves of its spaghetti-index for good excuses…
>”was in the middle of a Battlefield match… you know how it is” I tell him, trying to brush it off
> being militaryfags they love them some BF, so as far as excuses goes, this is one of the best ‘under pressure’ ones I have ever come up with
>”flying that bloody choppa again I bet” he moves past me and inside as

>Cam steps into view with a relaxed smile, “how ya doin man” he says in a much more chilled out tone… he’s the youngest of the four brothers and about the same age as me
>always got along with him well because of that and the fact we had a lot in common with work (both deal with rotary aircraft)
>he has the same cropped military style hair, slightly longer face… he isn’t as stocky as Josh is, rather built more like I am; fairly broad shoulders and arms… maybe an inch taller though
>from the pictures I had seen, all four of the brothers were pretty burly blokes what with all the farm work and rugby growing up
>”yeah good mate, how was the trip?” I reply as I shake his hand
>he steps inside and looks around, “fucking long hey…”
>”where’s button?” Josh asks with an almost accusing tone after having scanned the room and not seen any sight of her
>images of her in the bathroom still trying to wipe the cum off her face force their way into my head
>”toilet” I reply quickly, as the images change from cleaning, to the magical moment when the mess was made
>gee it sure is spaghetti in here all of a sudden, I think to myself while walking over and turning the AC on

>”you guys want a drink?” I say, heading towards the fridge as they make themselves comfortable on the couch
>”I’m dying for a beer if you have one” Josh replies
>”piss off… you just went through half a six pack before we got here” Cam accuses at his brother
>”well who fucking woke up at sparrows’s fart to do the first leg, and who paid for the bloody hote-…”
>button suddenly opens the door to the bathroom and comes out

>both Josh and Cam immediately drop their little back and forth and speak simultaneously as they stand from the couch
>”AAAYYYEEEEEEE!!!!” Cam lets out
>”Oh there she is, dropping a bog were ya?” Josh says… I almost lose my shit at how blunt he is towards her
>”shaving… actually” button says casually just as I open my fridge, unleashing a tidal wave of cold spaghetti and meatballs
>”shaving?! What… like a girl?” Josh muses at her
>he was always the most vocal of the 4 brothers, Cam being probably the most quiet one… as far as quiet goes for the button family anyway
>button flings her arms around Josh’s neck as he lifts her up in a bear hug
>nobody notices me in the corner, quietly trying to stuff all the spaghetti back into the fridge
>not 5 minutes ago… her face was covered in my hot genetic information, and now she is less than an inch from Josh’s head
>”I was shaving for faggot over there” button says as she gives Cam a hug, arm around his waist

>Josh turns to face me with an ‘you want to elaborate on this mate?’ expression
>I hold a beer in each hand and press my back against the fridge door in an attempt to contain the latest spaghetti eruption now building within it
>”I figure the girlier I am, the less interested he’ll be in me” button says as she finally delivers her belated punchline
>Josh’s expression starts to change into an amused smile as the pressure against the fridge door dies down
>Cam pecks button on the forehead before releasing her
>pecks her forehead…
>the forehead I just shot my load all over
>the fridge bursts open, a torrent of foaming Neapolitan meatballs gushing forward
>instead of panicking, I just let myself sink under below the cheesy tomato flood as it fills my lungs
>I have no idea how I could ever get her back for this…
>All I can do is marvel at how perfect her plan was… I feel awkward as fuck right now as her two brothers embrace their little sister…
>… completely oblivious to the fact that millions of my potential future children died upon her soft innocent face as they stood outside my front door
>well fucking played button… well fucking played

>once the family reunion is over, Josh and Cam sit back down on the couch while button walks over to me
>she pulls my limp body up and out of the pool of nervous pasta sauce that I was attempting to drown myself in, before looking up at me with a cool set of eyes and wide smug grin…
>she wants to rub it in…
>”not a bad little setup you got going on here mate” Cam remarks
> ’Fuck… You…’ I mouth silently at button before replying out loud to her brother, “Yeah it’s pretty comfortable, was lucky to get it”
>she opens her mouth and lets her tongue out making the same slutty little face for the second time this hour
>I ignore her taunt and walk around her, bringing the two sauce covered beers over to button’s brothers
>Josh takes the beer and looks it over, “pure blondes… Christ mate… she really has beaten the man right outa ya huh?”
>pure blondes are a full strength, low carb beer… which to button’s brothers would be like drinking a chai latte
>”that’s all I got, unless you want spirits” I offer in a half-baked apology, trying to at least hold my ground against them as I sit halfway along the lower L part of the couch
>button comes and plants herself in the corner of the L, her legs running over my lap… which got me a bit of a look from both of her brothers at first… but they seemed to figure it was more of a casual friend thing in the end
>she seems to know almost exactly where the line is and just how far she can push the situation without triggering a brutal beating on my behalf
>I have no doubt that she understands her brothers to a T

>we sit around and chat for a good few hours, polishing off whatever beer I have in the fridge and even trying a tumbler of American Honey… which subsequently earned me more gay remarks
>although none from button for a change, she actually enjoyed it…
>not that her brothers didn’t, it’s more that they’re the sort of blokes to consider any alcohol that actually tastes good to be for either faggots or girls
>which was confirmed when button and I both agreed we liked it
>as Cam said… “if it doesn’t make your eyes water, then it’s not worth drinking”
>situation actually feels pretty calm after a while, seeing the three of them shit talk and stir each other up IRL as opposed to over Teamspeak… it’s wholesome to watch
>I feel like I might be willing to push back a little harder with her now

>It’s starting to get dark outside when button decides it’s time to change the pace and remind me who is boss
>”so let me guess Anon, she went and kicked ya out of your own bed and onto the couch the first night here huh?” Cam mocks
>uh oh spaghetti-o
>”no, we both slept in the bed” button replies nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious answer in the world
>… dead fucking silent
>alphabet spaghetti begins to rain down outside my apartment before a big gust of sauce splatters a bunch of soggy yellow letters against my window

‘you dun goofed son’

>Cam is looking at his sister, trying to figure out if she is joking or not
>Josh on the other hand… is looking directly at me…
>I can hear every single gurgle and slosh as I swallow nervously during the silence
>”I think it’s time we go and have that drink anon”
>my eyes flicker from Josh to button, hoping to find an encouraging smile or comforting look
>instead she just looks at me with a neutral expression on her face
>the very same one she wore on the first night we met face to face as I crouched on the floor clutching my stomach
>I now understand what it meant…
>she was judging me… for all I was worth
>summing me up in her head
>the same way she is right now
>I know because it’s the same look Josh has, but he doesn’t wear it half as well as his little sister
>I begin to nod my head as I look back at him
>“alright… let’s go” I manage, defeatedly

>sun is now below the horizon and it’s growing dark quickly
>the pub is pretty close by on the corner of my block
>not a single word is said as we walk there
>when I say pub, I mean a proper pub… it’s almost as dark inside as it is outside

>low squabble of noise, no loud music or anything, just some old classics playing in the background somewhere
>pool tables in the back corner with the few people sober enough to stand gathered around them
>everybody else is firmly seated in small clusters, probably all regulars too
>but it is the city, so it’s not like some fucking western movie where everybody stops and stares as we walk inside
>there is only one bartender working at the taps, a somewhat short girl with mouse blonde hair… she is busy giggling at the 4 or 5 blokes in front of her trying to compete for her attention


>Josh wanders over to an empty stool off to the corner of the bar and I follow suit, taking the one next to him
>he stares vacantly down at the bar for a moment before speaking to me, ”whadda’ ya havin” he says bluntly, “and don’t you fucking pick no bitch ass low carb shit either… we came here to talk as men” he finishes with a mix of threat and condescendence
>alright I know I come across as a bit of a beta in this story of mine, I do try to appear as humble as possible… figure nobody wants to read about a pompous twat…
>but I’m not completely hopeless, that’s more or less something that exists purely within my unique relationship with button
>this bloke would happily take a bullet for his little sister any day of the week… and I needed to prove to him that I would too
>”schooner of new” I respond to him


>Josh gives a short sharp whistle to grab the bartender’s attention
>either it’s something that isn’t considered rude out in the rural areas, or he just doesn’t give a fuck at the moment
>the bartender makes her way down to where we sit, making little attempt to hide her irritation
>she is wearing one of those hooters style singlets, with good reason too… she has a big set of jiggly titties on her
>maybe an 7/10 but bearing in mind she isn’t my type, too dolled up and too much bust for my taste
>”two schooners of new, sweetheart” Josh says to her, definitely not concerned about being polite
>she doesn’t look happy about the way he’s treating her, but the look on Josh’s face seems to make her hesitate about saying anything
>more silence as we wait for her to return with a pair of schooners, even she appears to find it awkward
>“keep the change” he says while passing her a 10 to which she smiles politely before retreating to the other end of the bar
>the group of blokes watch on, clearly a bit rustled at Josh’s attitude… however they seem to think twice after eyeing him because nothing is ever said
>we take few sips each before Josh finally speaks up
>”is there something you want to tell me anon” he says, gaze fixed on the schooner in front of him
>well this is it, I’m either going to get the shit kicked out of me or… well actually come to think of it I’m having a hard time trying to think of possible less physically intense outcomes

>I take a steady breath, going over the words I’ve carefully prepared in my head for the 100th time since leaving the house
>”yeah… actually… there is something” I say, trying to be calm… but my nerves are getting the better of me
>Josh continues to gaze at his beer and nods… waiting for me to continue
>hhhooohhhhh fuuck how I hate situations like this… I can’t tell you how much I hate this feeling… It was one of the first things I mentioned about myself… I hate conflict, and I’m just all round not good with violence
>I’d love to say that I’m going to tell him because he deserves to know as her brother, but truth be told… I made a deal with button and I’ll be damned if I ever disappoint her
>after all…
>”I… was… button’s first”
>I finally squeeze the words out
>Josh just looks at his schooner
>he lifts it up and finishes off what’s left before returning it to the counter and nodding
>”that’s a mighty polite way of saying you fucked my little sister, mate”
>not the sort of response I was hoping for… not that I have any idea what I was hoping for really…
>might as well finish this beer, may be my last, I think to myself as I chug down what remained before placing it carefully back on the coaster so that jiggles could collect it when she came to clean my broken body off the floor


>Josh turns in his seat to face me… still nodding slightly as he looks me up and down
>”I already knew that though” he begins… “button told me the day after it happened”
>I instantly and unwillingly let loose a small chuckle under my breath, “heh…”
>of course she fucking told him, I think to myself as things start to click
>”don’t misunderstand me anon… I’m not saying I’m ok with anything… that’s my lil’ sister we’re talking about” he warns me
>I’m never going to hear the end of this one from her…
>”but I respect you for coming out and telling me… even if you ended up saying it to your fucking beer and not my face” his tone keeps jumping from ‘we good’ to ‘still might punch you’ and back again
>I’m trying to think of something to say but the words aren’t there yet… what did I ever do to deserve this?
>”that being said, there’s a few things you and I need to sort out…”
>”sounds fair, as long as one of those things isn’t trying to fight me… I wouldn’t want to have to put your ass on the ground buddy” I jest at him dryly… I figure it will either lighten the mood dramatically, or fall flat
>either way the worst part is over so who fucking cares

>Josh just looks at me for a moment before bursting out into a booming laugh, slapping me on the back so hard the momentum alone made my nipples erect
>”sounds just like something she’d say, except unlike you mate… she can at least follow through on her threats”
>”she told you about the little wrestle huh…” let’s hope she left out what came afterwards
>”wrestle? Sounded more like a fucking ass kicking to me mate”
>I turn to look at him, “well at least you understand that of the two of us, shes not the one at risk of being physically abused”
>”trust me I know… that’s the only reason I didn’t knock your teeth down your throat when you opened the door… playing BF my ass mate, what do you take me for, a fucking idiot”
>this is like a game show but behind every prize door is just some new dangerous animal with the contestant getting increasingly anxious the more prizes he wins
>“what would you have said in my shoes?” I say defensively
>”the exact same thing you said… but I’m not in your shoes mate, I’m the big brother… and you’re the guy that’s…” he trails off, deciding it would be better not to finish that sentence
>”alright… I get it…”
>there was one final hurdle I had been preparing for and now seemed as good a moment as any
>“I cant apologize to you ya know… It’d be full of shit because truth is I’m not sorry” I make sure to look Josh in the eye this time
>”I don’t have a sister so I’m not gonna pretend like I understand, but we both made a choice and I’d be disrespecting her if I ever apologized for something that neither of us regrets doing”

>Josh stares at me with an intense look… “that took some fucking balls too, I’ll give ya that much” he says “I dunno what piss’s me off more to be honest…”
>”that you refuse to be sorry about sleeping with my sister to my face or me having to admit that’s exactly what you should be doing for her sake” he shakes his head in frustration “It is what it is… I’d be lying if I said you weren’t a good bloke anon”
>phew… I figured I’d be cutting close to the line with that one, but I know
button would never let me hear the end of if she found out I just rolled over all night
>he turns back to face the bar and gives Ms. Jiggles a whistle before
indicating for another round
>within a minute she comes back down to our end carrying another two beers and then returns to the other customers further up the bar
>”so what things do we need to sort out” I ask him, wanting to try and move things forward for a change
>”ahhhhh the standard sort of stuff mate” he says casually “hurt her… we’ll kill you, upset her… we’ll kill you, cheat on her… we’ll kill you… you’re a smart kid, you can figure most of it out”
>I don’t say anything, just wonder how serious he is about the killing… it sounds like he’s being dramatic, but it’s probably safer not ask
>Josh takes a generous swig of his beer before setting it back down, “So… the real question anon” he turns his head to look at me, “do you love ‘er?”
>I’ve been thinking about this question for the last couple of days, struggling to find an answer… but the last 20 minutes have made me do a 180 and rethink things drastically… while the conclusion I came to may not have been the best one, at least it’s my honest answer
>so I look him in the eye and tell him the truth… no matter how much he may not like it
>but well talk about that more on day 8…

>we spend another 20 minutes just chatting about random stuff before, one particular highlight though…
>”you see that girl…” he points to the bartender “I’m gonna fuck her when I come back through here on my way home after dropping Cam off”
>she isn’t serving anybody atm and he waits until she looks at him before raising his empty glass
>more polite than the whistle… baby steps mate… baby steps
>she comes down and gives him a dry look
>Josh’s whole fucking attitude and expression changed in a heartbeat as he looks down at the bar almost nervously
>”I was a bit of a dick earlier, had a pretty rough day…” he looks back up at her and says in the most sincerest of voices “I’m sorry… I mean it”
>the girl looks at him and starts to smile, she tries to hide it at first but gives in and nods at him, “Cassie” she says

>”Josh… nice to meet you Cassie” he replies to her
>”why was your day bad, Josh”
>”drove 13 hours to visit my little sister… only to have this cunt right here admit that he slept with her”
>my fucking face goes blank as ‘Cassie’ turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow
>”is that true?” she asks me
>why does it feel like I’m sitting next to a big hairy, burly version of button… oh wait… I am…
>”… at least I told him, right?”
>she rolls her eyes at me and turns back to Josh, ”you want another beer? On the house”
>he sighs, “I need to get going, I’m leaving Sunday morning and promised my lil sis that i’d spend time with ‘er”
>Cassie grabs a coaster and then writes some numbers down onto it before passing it to Josh, “If you still want that beer tomorrow night, give me a call” she says to him with a smile before giving me a dirty look and then heading back to serve the other patrons


>the moment we step out of the pub, josh puts his arm around my shoulder
>”you’re a good wingman anon, sorry for giving you such a hard time, but you understand I had to right?”
>I’m still a little confused at what I just witnessed… being good and tipsy by now
>”I always figured button would pick a genuinely nice bloke… I thought you were a bit of a weird choice at first, bit fucking soft to be honest with ya… but you seem to make her pretty fucking happy, always did mate”
>”thanks!” I say with exaggerated enthusiasm at Josh’s mix of compliments and criticism
>”you’re practically family now, so I’ll give you some advice…”
>I can’t be sure if he is being straight with me or just tipsy
>”my sister fuckin loves to walk all over you, and I get it mate… you love being her little bitch or something like that, I ain’t one to judge plus it seems to have worked just fine for you so far”
>10/10 conversation… enjoy this… really… just spectacular
>”but don’t be scared to challenge her once in a while ya know? I’m not saying try to change things up… she loves you just the way you are mate, that much is obvious… but we both know she loves a good fight and I’m telling you now…”
>we stop outside my front door, I can hear a bit of music going inside, some sort of hip hop

>Josh looks at me, hand on my shoulder, ”if you ever want to win a fight against her then you are going to need to fight tooth and claw, all or nothing… if you start backing down just because ya get worried about hurting her fucking feelings then you ain’t ever gonna get anywhere. She’s as tough as nails, either risk it all, bring your best and aim to win, or just don’t bother at all”
>turns out this would be one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given…

>button must have heard us talking outside because she suddenly opens the door and grins at me, “still alive huh faggot?”
>”shoulda seen him, like wild a fucking boar he was, flipping tables and glasses like a coon outa goon” Josh says, pushing past and into the house
>his little sister continues to stand in the doorway… her gaze fixed on me…
>beautiful big brown eyes…
>and a heart-warming smile
>”you’re a real cunt you know” I tell her, trying my best not to return her infectious smile… failing miserably
>”and your butthurt tears will taste even more delicious while you’re giving me that massage later”
>Josh begins yelling at Cam in the background “for fuck’s sake Cam… did you seriously drink all this while we were gone?? How the fuck are we supposed to drive to the hotel now you daft cunt”

>I try to move past button, but she moves to get in my way
>”your brothers sound like they are about to start swinging…” I inform her
>”I didn’t drink it all you turd pumping fucktard, button had at least half” Cam yells back at his brother
>button is standing on the doorstep, which brings her head level with mine as she puts her hands on my shoulders
>”how drunk are you?” I ask, resting my hands on her waist as she continues to smile at me
>”oh please… I grew up with those idiots back there… I’m tipsy at best” she says, somewhat convincingly too…
>”so what will it take for you to let me through the door?”
>”a kiss…”

>I’m having doubts about button’s claim to be ‘tipsy at best’
>”there’s only so much they are going to be able to handle in one night, and I already ended up pushing Josh too close for comfort”
>button completely ignores me as she moves in and plants her lips on mine
>she tastes like American Honey…
>a little bit of spaghetti comes out
>button pulls away to face her brothers, “are you wankers gonna go and pick up or just sit here and be loud cunts all night?” she barks, it sounds weird coming out of her mouth… he-button nostalgia
>Josh suddenly turns to Cam, ”oh that reminds me, managed to get the number from the sheila working the taps, shoulda seen her fucking tits man…”
>they both start heading towards the door… completely different atmosphere
>”are we talking grapefruits… or cantaloupes”
>one button is a chore… 3 buttons is overwhelming… I have mixed feelings about meeting the full 7 all in one place

Note from AuthorBro: This next part took me some time to write. Every time I started making progress I wound up having to stop and work on a differen’t part of the day. I don’t think I could ever properly capture the proper feels that this moment holds for me… I tried my best, went through some tissues… sorry for the feels… xo


>button says her goodbyes, especially to Cam, I can’t specify exactly what he is going to do because ADF is a fucking boys club and somebody would end up piecing things together
>let’s just say he holds his little sister very tightly for a solid couple of minutes… to the point where some man-tears are definitely shed
>gives me feels remembering it so I’m gonna move right along before I go full faggot on you cunts
>I have a feeling button-tears were also shed… but I never got a chance to check…
>I remember feeling guilty because a part of me wanted to see her crying just to know it was possible for her to be emotionally vulnerable
>It sounds bad but its complicated and I’ll explain it in later chapters.

>Cam whispers something to button and she nods before moving past them, down the stairs and towards Josh’s ute where I see her hop into the driver’s seat and place her hands neatly on her lap
>she’s too far away and dimly lit to make out her face
>her two brothers now stand next to one another, in front of me
>a short moment passes where nothing is said
>Cam’s eyes are still red as he breaks the silence, “that’s my sister man… she’s the only one I got” he motions towards his ute, “you remember that next time you are holding onto her… … … when I ge-…” he’s struggling to remain in control of his own voice and pauses to collect himself, “just make sure you’re still holding her when I get back anon”
>he turns and walks down the steps

>when I look over to the ute, button has her head in her hands

>Josh looks over at the two of them, “aahhhhh don’t worry too much about them mate, they were always the soppiest cunts of the litter, an’ don’t forget they’re both nearly shitfaced… don’t get too worked up” he brushes the situation off… whether he is telling the truth, or trying to avoid it all together… I can’t tell

>my eyes keep flickering over to the ute in the distance, my mind in two places

>”hey… eyes on me mate, don’t you worry about her. Cam will sort ‘er out… they’ll have a good old cry together then be right as rain… it’s a chick thing yeah, even with us 4 around, she still had ‘er fucking moments… Cam was the only one she would ever cry in front of though… not even to mum… they’ve always been tight like that aye… as the youngest two”

>”she never mentioned…” but I trail off

>”course she fucking didn’t, that’s what happens when ya have 4 thick skulled brothers as role models… Look, I’m not good with this shit ok, it’s Cams area… I’d like to think we did a pretty good job with ‘er though; mum and dad too… all of us, we each tried to give ‘er as much as we could you know? Now she’s the first one of us to go to Uni. She’s smarter than anyone else in the family, a lot more switched on”

>oh god… I can’t… the feels… must not choke up… not in front of Joshbro

>”I think like Cam was trying to say, there were always 4 of us and one of ‘er, but you know we started getting married, joining the forces… anyway it’s your job now…”

>”I think you guys did a pretty darn good job, she’s strong enough to look after herself” I try to reassure him

>”of course she can, fuck she kicked your ass didn’t she? But you’re missing the point mate… Everybody needs somebody. That’s something we’ve learnt in our family… we all needed each other. We have all left the nest now though, Gary and David both have families of their own, me and Cam are in the forces… it’s hard for you civies to understand, but that’s our family, mum and dad still have each other at home”

>I listen to him… trying as hard as I can not to let my attention slip, but I can’t get her off my mind, I want to comfort her and make sure she is ok…

>”I don’t have any brothers and sisters, never see mom and dad, they’re split up, I’m doing just good” I point out the flaw in his argument… I’m doing just fine… I think to myself, I never had any of that and I’m fine…

>”what a fucking crock of shit mate! Told us yourself… you have been moving from one girl to another ever since the start of high school. Straight out of one thing and into the next, your words mate, you needed someone just as much as the rest of us” Josh says to me

>’don’t do this, I’m not prepared for that’ I think to myself as Josh’s words sink in…

>”I know you’ve grown up differently and ya think ya strong coz of that but think about it yeah? you took to button like a newborn calf to its mother’s teat… you needed somebody and you found her

>his words hit me right in the feels… like having red hot coals slowly poured onto my chest

>”mate we were all watching, it’s not like we didn’t notice… 4 years and you two were literally fucking inseparable. We watched our little sister study her ass off for you… to get into your uni… 4 perfectly good ones back at home that had her course mate, but she was only interested in one uni, over 1000kms away… the one you go to”

>I can feel a mantear forming in the corner… that’s ok… as long as it stays there and doesn’t roll away you are good…suck it back into your tear duct…

>” button was the last of our family to move out, and guess where she went… before any of her brothers or friends… she came straight to you mate and she worked hard to do it. I know my sister in a way you won’t never know… mate I taught her every fucking important thing that my little brain would remember… so just trust me when I say she needs you, and you would be a fucking idiot not to tell her you need her too”

Josh finishes his monologue

>it rolled… right onto the floor… sorry bros… there was just too much feel for this humbled faggot

>”sorry champ, I’ve never been good with this sort of stuff aye…” Josh says as he scratches his closely cropped head
>”you’re a lot better at it than you think mate” I offer at him while staring at button’s silhouette in the driver’s seat as she talks to Cam
>she doesn’t seem to be crying anymore… so that makes me feel a bit happier
>”listen mate, I need to go and have a talk with my sis… just wait for her inside ok? She should be alright by the time we let her go” he says before peering over at the ute, “but it looks like she had few aye, fucking Cam the stupid cunt… so just do me a favor an’ watch ‘er for the rest of the night yeah?”
>”won’t take my eyes off her…” I tell Josh, meaning every word
>he nods at me and shakes my hand before walking down the steps and out to join his brother and sister
>I watch them for a brief moment… wondering what it would be like to have a family like that
>just a family at all really…
>Josh was right… I do need somebody
>I need her


>as I step back inside, the first thing I notice is the table and chairs now in the middle of the room
>the table is round, a very very dark brown stained wood, reminds me of button’s hair and eyes but so would anything even remotely brown right now
>only two chairs, the design is very typical of the Victorian Era which seems to fit considering button mentioned it was her grandma’s
>but honestly my knowledge on wood is limited so anything beyond that would be speculation
>the table is bare aside from one item
>a candle
>the scented one that I keep in my drawer
>the one I used when I went down on button properly for the first time



>second addition I notice is button’s battle station
>her desk looks weird
>as I move closer I quickly realize that her desk isn’t weird at all…
>it’s a fucking masterpiece of woodworking art
>the entire desk hand made out of live edge wood
>her father must’ve made it for her, It’s extremely well built
>one end is just open and natural… while the other edge had been sawn perfectly straight to allow it to butt up against a wall
>the desk is setup so the flat end is butting up against mine so that it’s more of an extension rather than a separate addition



>while button is seeing her brothers off, or getting a lecture about safesex… probably an awkward combination, I head to the kitchen to make some dinner
>it’s a little late but I’m starving, and there is a good chance button will be too
>nothing like some good eating to fix a plug up all those pesky emotions
>I remember she asked for chicken enchiladas this morning, fortunately it was one of the things I had bought ingredients for just beforehand
>either sheer luck… or she saw the stuff in the fridge and asked for it so I wouldn’t have to go and buy anything extra
>the latter sounds most likely
>start preparing ingredients, using chicken breast diced into chunks rather than chicken mince
>don’t really know if it’s how you make proper enchiladas… I don’t tend to use recipes, just wing things
>after 10-15 minutes, hear the door open and close

>not sure what to expect at this point, if I should turn around to check on her or just keep cooking and let her come to me if she wants…
>this is a whole new experience in 4 years… so I have nothing to draw on…
>I mean I know how I would console girls in the past
>implying any of that shit would work with button
>she comes up behind me
>wraps her arms around me bear hug style from behind, head into my back
>”you better be cooking chicken enchiladas faggot” she mumbles at me
>”wouldn’t be the first thing I followed through on tonight…”
>she doesn’t reply, just stays like that until I need to move to put the enchiladas into the oven
>when I’m done, she is nowhere in sight… which means the bathroom… unless she suddenly decided to hide in the pantry for some bizarre reason

>I boot up the external and try to find something fitting to watch
>too late for a movie, need something I can stop watching at any point if we decide to get into bed
>settle on a Surfing Doco

>button eventually comes out of the bathroom


>so this is the ‘dressing gown’ she was talking about
>it’s made out of a black silky fabric, turned out to be genuine silk, made in Kyoto, with a cherry blossom and crane design on it
>however it only comes down to her knees…
>I would describe it as more of a westernized version of a Japanese Kimono
>either way she looks stunning and way out of my league
>her eyes are still a bit red, but it’s barely noticeable… in fact I doubt anybody would be able to tell unless you were looking for it
>which admittedly I was
>button comes over to the couch and sits down next to me
>stare at her the whole way
>”like it?” she asks me
>”you look… really nice…”
>she raises an eyebrow at me, “really nice? that’s how you cheer me up faggot?”
>”no… a few other words came to mind first but I figured you would have called me a faggot for those” I explain bluntly
>”I would have called you a faggot no matter what you said, so could’ve atleast made it something worthwhile” button retorts before leaning into me

>I start up the doco while dinner bakes in the oven
>”do you still want that massage tonight?”
>button shakes her head against my arm, “I can’t be fucked cleaning off all that oil…” she mumbles
>”can’t be fucked or too drunk” I ask her, its still pretty clear she is under ‘the influence’
>she shrugs, “healthy mix”
>”did you want to eat at the table?”
>she yawns again, “do you want enchilada sauce all over your couch?”


>I serve dinner to the table and we both sit to enjoy it
>there is a reason I never bothered with a table and chairs previously… it was just me
>bit of a fucking sad sight to see a lonely mid 20’s bloke eating alone on his table
>not that in front of the TV or at my computer is any sort of significant improvement, but at least then it seems like I’m doing something important, and the meal is just on the side
>button doesn’t say much while she eats, not because of her mood or mental state… she’s just too busy shoveling it down

>when we’re done, she helps me by drying up despite me insisting she should just sit down
>was more concerned about losing a plate than her well being to be honest
>nothing worse than a 4 piece dinner set with only 3 fucking dinner plates
>”are you going to bed yet?” she asks when we’re done
>”I’m not overly tired, but if you want to go to bed then I can jump on the computer and put headphones instead of watching TV”
>Instead of replying she just grabs a pillow and the doona (duvet in US) off the bed, dragging it lazily to the couch
>at least I vacuumed the floor…
>not that i would have cared anyway… was too cute to watch and well worth it
>before sitting down I grab 2 panadol and a sports waterbottle
>it’s a pretty obvious advice really… but the last thing I always do before going to sleep after drinking considerably is chug as much water as possible and take a couple of panadol pre-emptively
>has always worked a treat for me, the panadol helps to avoid that uncomfortable moment when you wake up in the middle of the night to piss and feel like dogshit
>for some reason I expect button to be dismissive of my attempts to avoid her a hangover
>but doesn’t even question me before swallowing the tablets I hold out to her and having a generous swig of the water bottle

>either button doesn’t care much for the doco, or is just too tired because within 10 minutes of it starting she rolls over to face the back of the couch, her head on a pillow in my lap
>she clutches her phone in her hand and closes her eyes
>Cam has been sending her sneaky pictures of girls at the bar he is at, asking button for advice on which ones she thought looked like they would be easiest to pick up
>about 25 minutes into the doco I thought button had fallen asleep, and wasn’t paying too much attention to her
>I felt her begin to sob softly before I heard it…
>she has her forehead pressed against my tummy and I can feel her jerking slightly from the crying
>I’m not sure what to do really…
>I figure she either doesn’t want to cry in front of me, but couldn’t hold it in
>or she doesn’t mind crying infront of me and has let it all out
>knowing button, if it is the former… she would hate feeling vulnerable
>”what if he doesn’t come back anon… what if I never see him again?” she says through sobs, head still buried into me
>either way for lack of words, I just run my fingers through her hair and gently apply pressure to her head… like I do in the shower when washing her hair

A Tribute to the Lost

>It’s easy to try and be blissfully ignorant at this point… assuring her that he will return, because love triumphs over all and all that magical fairytale stuff
>I have had a lot to do with the ADF, contracting to them and working along side serving members, becoming friends with many of them even to this day
>and while I won’t be so naive as to understand what it feels like personally… I have listened to enough of their stories to have a deeper understanding
>not all the people that go to war come back… some of them don’t even make it back in a casket…
>most people forget about them
>but there are people who can’t forget… no matter how much they want to
>family, friends and fellow serving members… they remember exactly who didn’t come home
>some of them use jokes and laughter to deal with the loss…
>others pretend their best mates are just on a long vacation, sitting on a beach somewhere
>many turn to drugs and alcohol
>they remember because nobody else does
>that is their duty
>that is their burden
>Lest we forget

>I promise I’ll give your smile back by the end

>I try to think of something comforting to tell her, something other than the empty assurance that she will see him again simply because
>”well… if he doesn’t… then you, me, Josh, David and Gary will go and find him!”
>this makes her sob a bit more audibly for a moment, but she eventually settles down
>button wipes her eyes and nose on my shirt, “thanks…” I offer to her dryly, but more as a joke
>”you’re welcome…”
>I keep playing with her hair, looking at the TV but not really paying attention to what’s on it anymore
>out of the corner of my eye I can see her texting, I sneak a glance, not wanting to intrude or anything
>it’s not to Cam, it’s to me… only text in the message is ‘faggot’
>my phone’s over on my bedside, probably on silent… it’s a bad habit of mine
>she hits send and then puts her phone back down

>I keep running my fingers through her hair for the remainder of the documentary, she legitimately falls asleep at some point
>feel crappy about waking her up… but bed will be comfortable
>she sort of helps me put the doona back on, but ends up losing interest halfway through and takes her dressing gown off… hanging it neatly on the handle of the cupboard
>can’t help but watch as her naked moonlit figure disappears under the covers
>wrong moment to be thinking about sexy times… but eh… as long as they are just thoughts
>button wriggles over to me as I get under the covers on my back
>as much as I hate seeing her upset and on the defensive, I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy how clingy and reliant she was being
>some of the things Josh said pop into my head
>had no idea she only applied to one uni? not to talk my own shit up, but the uni I attend is among the top in Australia
>so I always figured she had applied for those reasons… perhaps it was currently doing research relevant to her interests?
>after all that’s why I picked it…

>something else also pops into my head, “out of curiosity… what was I going to get for actually going through with telling Josh”
>”I already gave it to you” she mumbles
>”I texted it to you”
>so I was right… it was something anticlimactic…
>at least I saw it coming
>”try not to poke me awake TOO early in the morning” button says, before falling asleep not long after that
>lay there for awhile, thinking about everything… like I do most nights
>button needs me huh? but in what way…

>after almost half an hour of (inb4 soppy cunt) listening to button and running my hands along her back…
>…I notice a faint pulsating light
>it’s barely noticeable and I know what it is the moment I see it, just my phone’s notification LED telling me I have a new message
>I already know what the text is
>only way to stop the light is to open the message… annoying as fuck especially when it’s just service updates or low credit warnings… but there is no way I will be able to ignore the flashing now that I have noticed it
>try to reach over to bedside without waking button
>2 new messages, both from button
>open up the message log
>pic related

Button says ivu




  1. Saltybro · November 30, 2015

    rip authorbro


  2. niggerbro · November 30, 2015

    authorbro is kill. rip in spaghetti


  3. funkyguy09 · February 29, 2016

    um, good story so far, i usually skip the sex stuff as im just more interested in both of ur interactions with each other and im a sappy cunt like that, but keep it up!


    • Gene rat · May 18, 2019

      Faggot (I totally don’t do the same thing)


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